Solutions for your safe laboratory environment

Modular laboratory furniture helps to make your work processes as smooth as possible. Together with the basis of our laboratory elements, the material steel, this creates a safe working environment. With Köttermann you can ensure durable, resistant and hygienic laboratory facilities.  Let us know what your work steps are – we will plan and produce according to your requirements.

Modular laboratory furniture helps to make your work processes as smooth as possible. Together with the basis of our laboratory elements, the material steel, this creates a safe working environment. With Köttermann you can ensure durable, resistant and hygienic laboratory facilities.  Let us know what your work steps are – we will plan and produce according to your requirements.

Fume cupboards
Fume cupboards

Safe rooms for your research. According to your requirements, we provide the appropriate fume cupboards.

Laboratory furniture
Laboratory furniture

Our versatile laboratory furniture can be used and combined flexibly. You need to store materials - we will find the right solutions. All furnishing elements are produced from high-quality steel so that they meet all requirements.

Service supply
Service supply

Diverse media systems ensure smooth access to water, gases and electricity.

Safety storage cabinets
Safety storage cabinets

Acids, alkalis, toxic chemicals or flammable liquids - your hazardous substances are safely stored in Köttermann's safety cabinets.

Contact us

The exchange with you is essential for our work. Understanding your needs forms the basis for our tailor-made planning. We are there for you - no matter whether you have questions, wishes, criticism or suggestions. Please feel free to contact us using the contact form or by e-mail, telephone or WhatsApp.