A Köttermann Laboratory is being build in Mecca

Hänigsen, 05 February 2024: Manufacturing a laboratory for the holy Zamzam water from Mecca in Saudi Arabia: What almost sounds like the title of a fairytale story is becoming reality for Köttermann, based in Hänigsen, Lower Saxony. Commissioned in January 2024, the new laboratory facilities in Mecca are to be completed by May of this year. The special contract to build an advanced laboratory infrastructure is being carried out together with the local dealer Gulf Bioanalytical. The quality of the holy water will be tested here to the highest standards. “We are honoured to contribute to the construction of such an important laboratory with our laboratory equipment,” says Managing Director Kazim Doyuran, describing Köttermann’s delight at having been chosen for the project.


The Zamzam water, which is extracted from the holy well of the same name near the Kaaba in Mecca, is of immense importance to the Muslim world. It is considered blessed, exceptionally pure and healing. Water plays an important role in Islamic traditions and rituals. Every year, almost three million people head to Mecca during the great Hajj (pilgrimage) and throughout the year for the short pilgrimage Umra. One of the sacred rituals on site is the drinking of Zamzam water. Kazim Doyuran emphasises the importance of building the laboratory: “This project reflects our commitment to supporting initiatives that positively strengthen cultural values and communities.”


Köttermann GmbH
Manuela Sterns
Industriestraße 2
31311 Uetze
Tel. +49 176 – 843 77 161